"Racemate" Boston Marathon iPad Application

In my junior year UI design class, groups were assigned the task of designing and prototyping an iPad application that would enhance the experience of spectating the Boston Marathon.

Over two weeks we conducted quick user research, created and tested designs, and refined our original ideas. In order to come up with the most interesting and innovative designs, we turned a blind eye toward development hurdles and allowed our imaginations to design whatever features we determined users would want. Some of the features that we implemented following our focus group and some internal brainstorming would enable users to:

  • Use an interactive map to view racers of interest
  • Easily access the camera
  • Interact with relevant and interest race information during downtime while viewing the marathon
  • Make a donation to a preferred charity associated with the BAA
  • Follow racers and get notifications regarding their location using GPS

 Below are 6 sample frames from our final design, which we created using Fireworks.